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In defense of TV storm reporters

  • CNN storm coverage

    TV news coverage of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma has generated debate over whether the tradition of reporters standing outside in harm’s way should be put to a halt. But as Will Oremus argues, these reporters are of utmost importance. “In a time of fake news, when every disaster brings a fusillade of doctored and misleading viral photos, bringing viewers directly to the scene in the person of a trusted anchor has more value than ever,” he says, adding: “The truth is that putting reporters on camera in the teeth of a hurricane makes for compelling TV. It takes a massive impersonal event and gives it a human protagonist to whom the viewer can relate. And no matter how much the reporter assures us that he or she is safe, the standup carries a soupcon of suspense and vicarious danger that no panel of talking heads in a newsroom can match.”

    TOPICS: CNN, Cable News, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Irma