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Does Shonda Rhimes’ Netflix deal spell doom for network TV?

  • Shonda Rhimes

    Broadcast television already has to battle streaming services for top actors, now a streaming service has taken one of its top producers. “The Rhimes deal shows how streaming fever may now be spreading beyond younger, fresher talent to creators who are already successful veterans in the network world,” says Joseph Adalian. But the move doesn’t necessarily mean network TV is over. “There are still plenty of talented producers willing — even eager — to work in a medium where even the least successful series reaches far more viewers than most cable shows and the likely audience for streaming shows,” he says. “Plus, networks have proven time and again they’re able to adapt to new threats,” pointing out how basic cable and HBO’s big hits didn’t spell doom for network TV. PLUS: How will the fun live-tweeting aspect of ShondaLand shows work on Netflix?, Rhimes was one of the few justifications for network TV’s existence, and Rhimes wanted to move away from the time-consuming grind of network TV.

    TOPICS: Netflix, Shonda Rhimes, IPTV