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Sally Jessy Raphael’s daytime talk show is now available for streaming

  • The trash-TV streaming service Nosey has 233 episodes of Sally, originally titled The Sally Jessy Raphaël Show, the syndicated talk show that ran from 1983 to 2002. "Though most of these Sally episodes seem to span the years of 1995 to 1997, they retain the essence of ’80s talk shows," says Rich Juzwiak. "While frequently tense and not at all short on drama, they remain sick-day soothing, a portal to a time when things were simpler and when people went after mic-drop clout by telling others exactly what they thought of them to their faces. Watching a handful of Sally episodes recently, it struck me how efficient a vehicle the now outmoded talk show format once was. You can detect the roots of so much of what came to flourish in pop culture. The salacious daytime talk show was the missing link between the sideshow of old and reality TV, for offering the opportunity to gawk at humanity without adulteration. That the episodes are largely populated by inexperts who pull no punches in pontificating on whatever the f*ck, whether it’s based in reality or not, makes the format a precursor to podcasting."

    TOPICS: Sally Jessy Raphael Show, Sally Jessy Raphael, Retro TV